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How to get selected month in jQuery full calendar?

We are using jQuery full calendar for displaying events from database.

I need to display the events below the calendar according to user selected month onchange. I can get data according to event date but I can't get user selected month in jQuery calendar.

    theme: true,
    header: {

        left: 'today',
        center: 'prevYear,prev,title, next,nextYear',
        right: ' month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
    buttonText: {
        prevYear: 'Prev'
    editable: false,
    events: [
    <?php foreach ($edumeet_invite_det as $key =>  $edumeet_det): ?> 
    <?php $edumeet_start = $edumeet_det->getFromDate(); ?>
    <?php $edumeet_end = $edumeet_det->getToDate(); ?>
    <?php $title = $edumeet_det->getTitle(); ?> 
            title:'<?php echo $title; ?>',
            start:'<?php echo $edumeet_start ?>',
            end:'<?php echo $edumeet_end ?>',
            allDay: false
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    eventColor: '#378006',    

This is the calendar function I am using, I need to get user selected month onchange. Does anyone have solution for this problem?

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Pushparaj Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 09:01


3 Answers

Maybe I don't fully understand your quesiton, but it sounds like you just need to know the current month on screen?

FullCalendar has a "getDate" method.

function getMonth(){
  var date = $("#calendar").fullCalendar('getDate');
  var month_int = date.getMonth();
  //you now have the visible month as an integer from 0-11

Sorry if this isn't what you were asking.

like image 129
Matt H. Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10

Matt H.

The function "getView" which might be useful to you:

  • http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/views/View_Object/

To get the first day of calendar month:


To get the last day of calendar month:


To get the first visible day of calendar: (the last few days of previous month)


To get the last visible day of calendar: (the first few days of next month)


like image 22
user1709374 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10


With last version (2018) need to use this code!

like image 3
r1si Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10
