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How to get rid of "Error 1329: No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed"

I have a stored procedure which does not need to return any values. It runs smoothly and without any problem. However, it outputs an error message after finishing its run:

Error: No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed

How can I get rid of this error message?

CREATE PROCEDURE `testing_proc`()       READS SQL DATA   BEGIN       DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0;     DECLARE l_name VARCHAR(20);     DECLARE my_cur CURSOR FOR         SELECT name FROM customer_tbl;     OPEN my_cur;         my_cur_loop:         LOOP FETCH my_cur INTO l_name;             IF done = 1 THEN                 LEAVE my_cur_loop;             END IF;             INSERT INTO names_tbl VALUES(l_name);         END LOOP my_cur_loop;     CLOSE my_cur; END 
like image 744
Babibo Avatar asked Aug 11 '10 22:08


1 Answers

I guess you just forgot to include the following line in your post:


Your code is correct, but bug/strange behaviour of mysql causes the warning to appear even if it was handled. You can avoid that if you add a "dummy" statement to the end of your procedure that invovles a table and is successful, this will clear the warning. (See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/show-warnings.html) In your case:

SELECT name INTO l_name FROM customer_tbl LIMIT 1; 

after the end of the loop. On MySQL 5.5.13 the warning disappears, on Linux and Windows. I commented on MySQL Bug 60840 and I hope they will fix it some time in the future...

like image 62
RobertG Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09
