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How to get response after integrating UPI using hyperlink

In my iOS application, I need to accept payments from the user. I am using UPI for the same. I have followed the following document provided by UPI


I have created a deeplink as stated in the document. UIApplication.shared.open is used to open the deeplink url so that it opens any installed PSP(Payment Service Provider) application in my phone(like PhonePe, BHIM etc)

func payButtonClicked() {

        guard let urlString = "upi://pay?pa=samplevpa@ybl&pn=Sample Name&am=1&cu=INR".addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
            else {

        guard let url = URL(string: urlString) else {

        if !UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
            print("url cannot be opened")

        UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:], completionHandler: { (success) in




I have registered my application with custom URL schemes and have added the scheme upi for ApplicationQueriesScheme in plist file


It is opening the PSP application and I'm able to make the transaction. The problem is I'm not able to get the response back from the PSP application. There is no callback method to UIApplication.shared.open method. I need to get the status of the transaction back from the PSP application and show the status to the user. Any help appreciated

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Arun Avatar asked Sep 12 '17 14:09


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How do I make a UPI payment link in HTML?

Steps to Create a UPI Payment LinkGo to the PayU India website and click on the Payment Gateway tab on the dashboard. Select Payment Links on the payment gateway tab and select the Create Payment link.

How do I integrate UPI payments on my website?

In the "Business Profile" page, submit required information and wait for approval. In the “Integrations” page, enter and verify your UPI ID. Integrate the In-App payment flow. To make sure that the transaction is successful, refer to the document provided by your bank or payment service provider.

How do I open UPI links?

1 Answer. Show activity on this post. And on a button click event bind this function. It will open up the Apps tray with all the UPI installed in the corresponding mobile.

1 Answers

the NPCI UPI Linking Specification states that the URL parameter used in the payment link is for information purpose which the payment apps may use to provide additional information to the payer upon clicking the link.

The link is only expected to show transaction details by the merchant or party that invoked the transaction.

It is not meant as a callback URL or a web hook for completion of transaction.

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Alpesh Patil Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Alpesh Patil