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How to get reference to parent class subroutine perl

I have a situation where in child class, I need a reference of subroutines defined in parent class which I need to pass to some other class which would execute them. So I was wrote following sample modules for testing the same.


package Parent1;

sub new {
    my ($class, $arg_hash) = @_;

    my $self = bless $arg_hash, $class; 

    return $self;

sub printHello{

    print "Hello\n";

sub printNasty{
    print "Nasty\n";


package Child1; 

use base Parent1;

sub new {
    my ($class, $arg_hash) = @_;

    my $self = bless $arg_hash, $class; 

    return $self;

sub testFunctionReferences{

    my ($self) = @_;

    # Case 1: Below 2 lines of code doesn't work and produces error message "Not a CODE reference at Child1.pm line 18."
    #my $parent_hello_reference = \&$self->SUPER::printHello;

    # Case 2: Out of below 2 lines of code, 1st line executes the function and produces output of "Hello\n" but 2nd line doesn't work and produces error message "Not a CODE reference at Child1.pm line 23."
    #my $parent_hello_reference2 = \$self->SUPER::printHello;

    # Case 3: does not work either. Says "Undefined subroutine &Child1::printNasty called at Child1.pm line 27"
    #my $parent_nasty_reference = \&printNasty;

    # Case 4: works. prints "World\n" as expected  
    #my $my_own_function_reference = \&printWorld;

    # Case 5: works. prints "Hello\n" and  "Nasty\n" as expected

    # Case 6: does not work produces error "Undefined subroutine &Child1::printHello called at Child1.pm line 38" 

sub printWorld{
    print "World\n";



use Child1;

my $child = Child1->new({});


So my questions are:

  1. As in case 1, what is the correct syntax to get a reference to parent subroutine?

  2. When I use inheritance, how can I call the parent function directly as in case 6? Is it even possible in perl?

  3. When case 5 works then why not case 6?

Any insights are appreciated. Thanks

like image 711
chammu Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 10:09


1 Answers

If printHello is a subroutine, use

my $sub = \&Parent::printHello;

If printHello is a method, use

# This line must appear inside of the Child package.
my $sub = sub { $self->SUPER::method(@_) };

If you want a code reference, you need a subroutine to reference, and this creates one.

In both cases, you can call the sub using




(I find the latter cleaner, but they are otherwise equivalent.)

like image 121
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10
