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How to get real size UIView with autolayout

I'm a new developer iOS.

I use auto-layout.

I have a problem. I can not get real size of UIView after constraints.

Example, when I want get size of UIView with constraint


It alway return 550 for all device size. But I can see it have difference size when I run it on difference device.


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Chicken Avatar asked Dec 26 '14 05:12


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Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those views. For example, you can constrain a button so that it is horizontally centered with an Image view and so that the button's top edge always remains 8 points below the image's bottom.

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Here is the essential problem: the only way in which UIImageView interacts with Auto Layout is via its intrinsicContentSize property. That property provides the intrinsic size of the image itself, and nothing more.

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To create constraints select the button and click the Align icon in the auto layout menu. A popover menu will appear, check both “Horizontal in container” and “Vertically in container” options to center the button on the screen. Then click the “Add 2 Constraints” button. Run the application.

2 Answers

Before your "getting real size code", insert the following code:

[view setNeedsLayout]; [view layoutIfNeeded]; 
like image 71
Allen Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09


Since everybody assumes the access is done via a UIViewController and not inside a UIView subclass, the answers don't prove really useful. The correct way to get the correct size of a UIView subclass is in layoutSubviews.

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Leandros Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
