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How to get raw request in PHP?

I have a script called api.php on my server. I call it from other server using POST request. Is there any way to get in my api.php raw contents of POST request?

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Tom Smykowski Avatar asked Jul 20 '10 12:07

Tom Smykowski

People also ask

How to get raw POST data in php?

The preferred method for accessing the raw POST data is php://input . $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is not available with enctype="multipart/form-data" . This feature was DEPRECATED in PHP 5.6. 0, and REMOVED as of PHP 7.0.

What is a raw request?

This method performs a raw HTTP request, allowing you as a flow builder to control all aspects of the HTTP request. This allows a flow to call an XML service or call an HTML service, or a number of other advanced usages.

1 Answers

use the following code

$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
like image 118
Ahmed Aman Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Ahmed Aman