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How to get pseudo element?

I need to get :after and assign it to variable. It is possible?

querySelectorAll doesn't work.

alert(some_div_with_pseudo.querySelectorAll('::after')[0]) // undefined
like image 796
A. Petrov Avatar asked Aug 10 '16 11:08

A. Petrov

People also ask

How do you get pseudo element in selenium?

If we need to interact with a pseudo-element, Selenium WebDriver does not offer us the option to do so. and our test requires us to verify the content displayed in the ::after block. Since this is not a regular element, we cannot identify it using the regular Selenium locators we are all familiar with.

How do I target a pseudo element in JavaScript?

You can't select pseudo elements in jQuery because they are not part of DOM. But you can add a specific class to the parent element and control its pseudo elements in CSS. Show activity on this post. We can also rely on custom properties (aka CSS variables) in order to manipulate pseudo-element.

Can you give an example of a pseudo element?

A CSS pseudo-element is a keyword added to a selector that lets you style a specific part of the selected element(s). For example, ::first-line can be used to change the font of the first line of a paragraph. Note: In contrast to pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes can be used to style an element based on its state.

How many pseudo elements are there?

There are currently seven pseudo-elements in CSS.

3 Answers

The short answer is that you can’t. It’s not there yet.

JavaScript has access to the DOM, which is built when the page is loaded from HTML, and modified further when JavaScript manipulates it.

A pseudo element is generated by CSS, rather than HTML or JavaScript. It is there purely to give CSS something to hang on to, but it all happens without JavaScript having any idea.

This is how it should be. In the overall scheme of things, the pages starts off as HTML. JavaScript can be used to modify its behaviour and to manipulate the content on one hand, and CSS can be used to control the presentation of the result:

HTML [→ JavaScript] → CSS → Result

You’ll see that CSS, complete with pseudo elements, comes at the end, so JavaScript doesn’t get a look in.

See also:

  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelector#Usage_notes
  • https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-api/#grammar


It seems that in modern JavaScript there is a workaround using window.getComputedStyle(element,pseudoElement):

var element = document.querySelector(' … ');
var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element,':after')
var content = styles['content'];
like image 187
Manngo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10


You can do this:

    document.querySelector('somedivId'), ':after'

Sample here: https://jsfiddle.net/cfwmqbvn/

like image 41
Didier Aupest Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10

Didier Aupest

I use an arrow pointing in the direction that the content and sidebar will toggle to/from via a CSS pseudo-element. The code below is effectively a write mode however it is entirely possible to read CSS pseudo-element content as well.

Since there is a bit involved I'll also post the prerequisites (source: JAB Creations web platform JavaScript documentation, if anything missing look it up there) so those who wish to try it out can fairly quickly do so.


#menu a[href*='sidebar']::after {content: '\2192' !important;}

JavaScript Use

css_rule_set('#menu a[href*="sidebar"]::after','content','"\u2192"','important');

JavaScript Prerequisites

var sidebar = 20;

function id_(id)
 return (document.getElementById(id)) ? document.getElementById(id) : false;

function css_rule_set(selector,property,value,important)
  for (var i = 0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++)
   var ss = document.styleSheets[i];
   var r = ss.cssRules ? ss.cssRules : ss.rules;

   for (var j = 0; j<r.length; j++)
    if (r[j].selectorText && r[j].selectorText==selector)
     if (typeof important=='undefined') {r[j].style.setProperty(property,value);}
     else {r[j].style.setProperty(property,value,'important');}
 catch(e) {if (e.name !== 'SecurityError') {console.log('Developer: '+e);}}

function sidebar_toggle()
 if (id_('menu_mobile')) {id_('menu_mobile').checked = false;}

 if (getComputedStyle(id_('side')).getPropertyValue('display') == 'none')
  css_rule_set('#menu a[href*="sidebar"]::after','content','"\u2192"','important');

  if (is_mobile())
   css_rule_set('main','width',(100 - sidebar)+'%');
  css_rule_set('#menu a[href*="sidebar"]::after','content','"\u2190"','important');

  if (is_mobile())
like image 5
John Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
