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how to get process handle from process id?


I have process Id , I want to get its process handle.

Is there any API available for that.

I tried to use OpenProcess but it returns NULL, and GetLastError =0.

This I am trying on Vista.

I guess I need to enable SeDebugPrivilege before using OpenProcess . But for enabling SeDebugPrivilege I need to get its Process handle.

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anand Avatar asked Feb 08 '10 11:02


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If you have a process identifier, you can get the process handle by calling the OpenProcess function. OpenProcess enables you to specify the handle's access rights and whether it can be inherited. A process can use the GetCurrentProcess function to retrieve a pseudo handle to its own process object.

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Task Manager can be opened in a number of ways, but the simplest is to select Ctrl+Alt+Delete, and then select Task Manager. In Windows, first click More details to expand the information displayed. From the Processes tab, select Details to see the process ID listed in the PID column. Click on any column name to sort.

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1 Answers

OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, procId); 

You'll need to verify that you're using a valid process ID, and that you're permitted the access rights you request from the process.

like image 177
Matt Joiner Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Matt Joiner