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How to get paypal API credentials?

I am using Paypal recurring payments and direct payment.

I tested it using beta-sandbox and works fine. Now I want to make to real paypal account.

I have been given real paypal account, and I login with it on https://www.paypal.com/, but I don't know how can I generate API Credentials ?

this looks completely different from sandbox environment.

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Sohail Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 13:09


3 Answers

Check out this guide to Obtaining API Credentials from PayPal. You will find how to create/view/remove your API signature/certificate in PayPal's live setting.


As per the comment, the previously held answer is out of date. To obtain your API credentials, log in here.

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Josh Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 11:11


If you want to retrieve the api user name, api password and api signature for live then you can get it directly by log in to this url from Paypal.

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Rashid Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 12:11


Log in to Paypal. Click Tools or hover over Tools and click All Tools from the drop down menu. Sort alphabetically and API Credentials will be the first one.

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Lmonkey Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 11:11
