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How to get past SQLException: Attempting to obtain a connection from a pool that has already been shutdown

I've got a Play (v 2.2.0) app using Typesafe Slick (v 1.0.1), and I'm trying to write a test (specs2) that seeds a PostgreSQL database, then makes a call to various controller actions to validate the existence of the data. In my test, I have:

 "Countries" should {
      "initialize" in {
        running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {
          AppDB.database.withSession {
            implicit session: Session =>


              AppDB.dal.Countries.findAll().size must be_>=(1)

by itself, this works fine. But, when I add another test action, like:

  "respond to Index()" in {
    val result = controllers.Countries.index()(FakeRequest())

    status(result) must equalTo(OK)

my test fails with the message:

SQLException: Attempting to obtain a connection from a pool that has already been shutdown.

The relevant parts of the stacktrace are:

[error]     SQLException: Attempting to obtain a connection from a pool that has already been shutdown. 
[error] Stack trace of location where pool was shutdown follows:
[error]  java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(Thread.java:1503)
[error]  com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP.captureStackTrace(BoneCP.java:559)
[error]  com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP.shutdown(BoneCP.java:161)
[error]  com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCPDataSource.close(BoneCPDataSource.java:143)
[error]  play.api.db.BoneCPApi.shutdownPool(DB.scala:414)
[error]  play.api.db.BoneCPPlugin$$anonfun$onStop$1.apply(DB.scala:264)
[error]  play.api.db.BoneCPPlugin$$anonfun$onStop$1.apply(DB.scala:262)
[error]  scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
[error]  play.api.db.BoneCPPlugin.onStop(DB.scala:262)

I've tried moving both the FakeApplication(...) and AppDB.database.withSession blocks higher in the code, as well as wrapping the val result = controllers.Countries.index(...) code in an AppDB.database.withSession wrapper, but still have had no luck.

Thank you for any direction.

like image 321
jbnunn Avatar asked Nov 01 '22 13:11


1 Answers

You can use AroundExample to initialise your DB and run your tests:

class CountriesSpec extends mutable.Specification with AroundExample {

  def around[R : AsResult](r: =>R) = 
    running(FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase())) {
      AppDB.database.withSession { implicit session: Session =>
        AppDB.dal.Countries.findAll().size must be_>=(1)
        // just AsResult(r) with the latest 2.2.3 specs2 

  "Countries" should {
    "respond to Index()" in {
      val result = controllers.Countries.index()(FakeRequest())
      status(result) must equalTo(OK)
like image 183
Eric Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
