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How to get Pandas column multiindex names as a list


I have the following CSV data:

id,gene,celltype,stem,stem,stem,bcell,bcell,tcell id,gene,organs,bm,bm,fl,pt,pt,bm 134,foo,about_foo,20,10,11,23,22,79 222,bar,about_bar,17,13,55,12,13,88 

And I can successfully summarize them this way:

import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv("http://dpaste.com/1X74TNP.txt",header=None,index_col=[1,2]).iloc[:, 1:]  df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(df.ix[:2].values) df = df.ix[2:].astype(int) df.index.names = ['cell', 'organ'] df = df.reset_index('organ', drop=True)  result = df.groupby(level=[0, 1], axis=1).mean() result = result.stack().replace(np.nan, 0).unstack() result = result.swaplevel(0,1, axis=1).sort_index(axis=1) 

Which looks like:

In [341]: result Out[341]:         bm               fl               pt      bcell stem tcell bcell stem tcell bcell stem tcell cell foo      0   15    79     0   11     0  22.5    0     0 bar      0   15    88     0   55     0  12.5    0     0 

My question is, from result how can I get the column index of the first level as list:

like image 881
neversaint Avatar asked Dec 04 '15 06:12


People also ask

How do I get a list of Pandas column names?

You can get the column names from pandas DataFrame using df. columns. values , and pass this to python list() function to get it as list, once you have the data you can print it using print() statement.

2 Answers

result.columns returns a pandas.core.index.MultiIndex which has a levels attribute.



['bm', 'fl', 'pt'] 
like image 92
Liam Foley Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 15:10

Liam Foley

Additionally you could use columnns.get_level_values(level)

 >>> result.columns.get_level_values(0).unique()     array(['bm', 'fl', 'pt'], dtype=object)  >>> list(result.columns.get_level_values(0))     ['bm', 'bm', 'bm', 'fl', 'fl', 'fl', 'pt', 'pt', 'pt'] 
like image 41
Thiru kumaran Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 16:10

Thiru kumaran