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How to get output result from stored procedure use Entity Framework in C#?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC project; my goal is to prepare a report from a table so, the first time I've wrote Linq code but it was too slow.

And after that I've written a SQL query it was so fast and I want to use stored procedure for getting report data from my table. In fact my project is so easy: it gets two dates - start date and end date - and displays result in a table.

I want to write my stored procedure to get two parameters - start date and end date - from C# code and then return output in a variable in C#.

The first question: how to convert my SQL query to a stored procedure with two parameters, start Date and End date?

The second question: how to return output result in C#?

    CAST(date_rec_slash AS DATETIME), COUNT(code_marz) AS total,
       WHEN code_marz = 1 THEN 'a'
       WHEN code_marz = 2 THEN 'b'
       WHEN code_marz = 3 THEN 'c'
       WHEN code_marz = 4 THEN 'd'
       WHEN code_marz = 5 THEN 'e'
    CAST(date_rec_slash AS DATETIME) BETWEEN '2017/12/01' AND '2017/12/31'
    CAST(date_rec_slash AS DATETIME), code_marz
    CAST(date_rec_slash AS DATETIME) ASC;


var spResults = db.Database.SqlQuery<tbl_bar>("Report");

enter image description here

like image 966
behnam Avatar asked Jan 28 '18 06:01


Video Answer

2 Answers

Declare your store procedure using this syntax:

    USE yourDataBaseNAme

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].yourStoreProcedureName
    @startDate nvarchar(30), 
    @endDate   nvarchar(30)
       SELECT Cast(date_rec_slash as datetime) AS 'date_rec_slash', count(code_marz) as total,
                  WHEN code_marz = 1 THEN 'a'
                  WHEN code_marz = 2 THEN 'b'
                  WHEN code_marz = 3 THEN 'c'
                  WHEN code_marz = 4 THEN 'd'
                  WHEN code_marz = 5 THEN 'e'
              END AS 'code_marz'
      FROM dbo.tbl_bar 
     WHERE Cast(date_rec_slash as datetime) between @startDate 
                                                AND @endDate
     GROUP BY Cast(date_rec_slash as datetime), code_marz
     ORDER BY Cast(date_rec_slash as datetime) ASC;

Call this store procedure in EF:


Call store procedure with parameter in EF:

SqlParameter startDate= new SqlParameter("@startDate", "Value");
SqlParameter endDate= new SqlParameter("@endDate", "Value");
db.Database.SqlQuery<yourObjectNameToCAST>("exec yourStoreProcedureName @startDate, @endDate", startDate, endDate).ToList();

your Object to Cast:

public class yourObjectNameToCAST
     public datetime date_rec_slash { get; set; }
     public int total { get; set; }
     public string code_marz { get; set; }
like image 148
Hasan Fathi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Hasan Fathi

You can declare your stored procedures using

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].YourStoredProcedure
    @Start DATETIME, 

Then you can get rid of the code needed to cast from string

In order to get the results mapped as a c# object, you need to use SqlQuery or FromSql depending on the version of Entity Framework that you are using

Entity Framework 6

var result = dbContext.Bar.SqlQuery("EXEC YourStoredProcedure").ToList();

To pass a parameter, you woild do something like

var result = dbContext.Bar.SqlQuery("EXEC YourStoredProcedure @SomeParameter", 
             new SqlParameter("@SomeParameter", TheParameterValue)).ToList();

And for Entity Framework Core 2

var result = dbContext.Bar
.FromSql("EXEC YourStoredProcedure")

Where Bar is your C# object declared as a property with type DbSet<Bar> in your dbContext class

Based on your output you should create a C# object similar to

public class Bar
     public datetime DateRecSlash { get; set; }
     public int CodeMarz { get; set; }
like image 43
Andre Lombaard Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Andre Lombaard