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How to get on screen rows from List in SwiftUI?

I'm trying to put a Text for each visible (within the screen bounds) row in a List of their current index in all the visible rows.

I have an example here. If I have a list showing 3 rows at a time, and initially I want it showing like this:

A  |  0
B  |  1
C  |  2

And if I scroll the list down, and A goes out of the screen, then it will be like

B  |  0
C  |  1
D  |  2

Any idea how can I do it?

Besides, I used to use UITableView.visibleCells to obtain the visible cells on screen, but I couldn't find something similar in SwiftUI. How exactly am I suppose to get visible row in a list with only index provided in SwiftUI?

Hope someone can direct me to the right place. Thanks a lot!

like image 403
WatashiJ Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 08:12


1 Answers

You can use onAppear and onDisappear functions to maintain a list of visible rows and then use these to find a visible index.

struct ContentView: View {
    let rows = (Unicode.Scalar("A").value...Unicode.Scalar("Z").value)
        .map { String(Unicode.Scalar($0)!) }

    @State var visibleRows: Set<String> = []

    var body: some View {
        List(rows, id: \.self) { row in
            HStack {
                    .onAppear { self.visibleRows.insert(row) }
                    .onDisappear { self.visibleRows.remove(row) }
            Text(self.getVisibleIndex(for: row)?.description ?? "")

    func getVisibleIndex(for row: String) -> Int? {
        visibleRows.sorted().firstIndex(of: row)
like image 89
Aleksey Gotyanov Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 09:01

Aleksey Gotyanov