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How to get new record ID after native insert


For some good reasons i do a spring data jpa native insert.
The query gets executed in the right way.
But what i need is the newly generated table id getting generated by the nextval('hibernate_sequence')

Is there a way to get this id?

Here is my query:

 * Inserts a new file attachment.
 * This is useful and maybe better suitable, because one may not want to load the whole
 * job offer to fullfill the JobOffer -> FileAttachment OneToMany Relation
 * @param file       a given file
 * @param fileName   a given file name
 * @param jobOfferId a given job offer id
 * @return int the new id
@Query(value = "insert into fileattachment(fileattachmentid, file, filename, joboffer_jobofferid) values (nextval('hibernate_sequence'), ?1, ?2, ?3);", nativeQuery = true)
int insertFileAttachment(String file, String fileName, long jobOfferId);

The int return value just gives the number of inserted records (1).
But i need the newly Id.
I don´t want to query it after the insert by another database query. Because if i have to, the whole native insert gets obsolete.

Does someone know an answer/Has someone alternative tips?
Thank you!
Kind regards

I use the native insert to avoid loading the whole joboffer record, which is a lot of useless data, just to persist the data the way with the entitymanager.

Instead i insert the data native.

Anyway your tip with the returning data from insert statements was very cool.
I was giving that a try and it is working. Thank you very very much!
I ended up with this solution:

 * Inserts a new file attachment.
 * This is useful and maybe better suitable, because one may not want to load the whole
 * job offer to fullfill the JobOffer -> FileAttachment OneToMany Relation
 * @param file       a given file
 * @param fileName   a given file name
 * @param jobOfferId a given job offer id
 * @return int the new id
@Query(value = "insert into fileattachment(fileattachmentid, file, filename, joboffer_jobofferid) values (nextval('hibernate_sequence'), ?1, ?2, ?3) returning fileattachmentid;", nativeQuery = true)
long insertFileAttachment(String file, String fileName, long jobOfferId);
like image 699
Thomas Lang Avatar asked Apr 27 '18 08:04

Thomas Lang

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1 Answers

If you are using postgres you can simply do this. The key component is simply add a RETURNING * which will return all columns in inserted in table. You could then simply add a return type which will be mapped for you. This is in Kotlin which can be easily adapted to java as well. The Query syntax is native.

    """ INSERT INTO table1 (a,b,c)
    select a,b,c from table2 where a = :someNumber
    """, nativeQuery = true
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like image 156
neshant sharma Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

neshant sharma