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How to get my external IP address with node.js?


I'm using node.js and I need to get my external IP address, provided by my ISP. Is there a way to achieve this without using a service like http://myexternalip.com/raw ?

like image 202
fonini Avatar asked Nov 28 '13 18:11


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How do I find my external IP address in node JS?

you can make this file. const http = require('http'); function WhatsMyIpAddress(callback) { const options = { host: 'ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com', port: 80, path: '/' }; http.

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How to Get User’s IP Address in Node JS According to Nodejs Documentation, to get the IP address, they suggest following method: var ip = req.connection.remoteAddress; But, there is a catch, if your Node app running on NGINX or any other proxy for that matter, then you will get the local ip address for every request i.e,

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What you want is simply to choose your favourite http client in NodeJS and find a maintained server that simply responds with the IP address in the body. You can also use a package, but you should see if it is still using a maintained remote server.

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How to User’s get IP address in Express JS. First, you need to add the following line, if your server is behind a proxy, Add following line in nginx.conf file: and then req.ip for getting user’s ip address and you can also use above code to get ip address here too.

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There is a slight issue, however; the x-forwarded-for header can contain multiple, comma-separated IP addresses. Thankfully, the first IP address in the x-forwarded-for header is typically the correct IP address. With that in mind, consider the following code:

2 Answers

Can do the same as what they do in Python to get external IP, connect to some website and get your details from the socket connection:

const net = require('net'); const client = net.connect({port: 80, host:"google.com"}, () => {   console.log('MyIP='+client.localAddress);   console.log('MyPORT='+client.localPort); }); 

*Unfortunately cannot find the original Python Example anymore as reference..

Update 2019: Using built-in http library and public API from https://whatismyipaddress.com/api

const http = require('http');  var options = {   host: 'ipv4bot.whatismyipaddress.com',   port: 80,   path: '/' };  http.get(options, function(res) {   console.log("status: " + res.statusCode);    res.on("data", function(chunk) {     console.log("BODY: " + chunk);   }); }).on('error', function(e) {   console.log("error: " + e.message); }); 

Tested with Node.js v0.10.48 on Amazon AWS server

Update 2021
ipv4bot is closed, here is another public API:

var http = require('http');  http.get({'host': 'api.ipify.org', 'port': 80, 'path': '/'}, function(resp) {   resp.on('data', function(ip) {     console.log("My public IP address is: " + ip);   }); }); 

More info https://www.ipify.org/

like image 130
mgear Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 16:10


npm install --save public-ip from here.


publicIp.v4().then(ip => {   console.log("your public ip address", ip); }); 

And if you want the local machine ip you can use this.

var ip = require("ip"); var a = ip.address(); console.log("private ip address", a); 
like image 45
jtlindsey Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 15:10
