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How to get minimum order amount for free shipping in woocommerce

How can i fetch minimum order amount required to get free shipping ( woocommerce_free_shipping_min_amount which is set in admin panel woocommerce -> settings -> shipping -> free shipping -> minimum order amount ) in woocommerce?

I want to display this price in front-end page

like image 593
Vidhi Avatar asked Oct 27 '14 06:10


People also ask

How do I set minimum order WooCommerce?

With WooCommerce Order Minimum Amount module you can set a minimum order amount by simply entering the total into the “Amount” field in the admin under WooCommerce > Booster Settings > Shipping & Orders > Order Minimum Amount.

How do I exclude shipping from free shipping in WooCommerce?

Navigate to a WooCommerce Product and open the Shipping tab. Check (or uncheck) the “Exclude Free Shipping” checkbox.

1 Answers

This value is stored in an option under the key woocommerce_free_shipping_settings. It is an array that is loaded by the WC_Settings_API->init_settings().

If you want to get access to it directly you can use get_option():

$free_shipping_settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_free_shipping_settings' );
$min_amount = $free_shipping_settings['min_amount'];
like image 92
doublesharp Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
