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How to get list of visible QModelIndex in QAbstractItemView

Is there any way to get a list of currently visible items in QAbstractItemView? And, if it possible, to receive any notifications about changing of this list.

Upd: I'm asking exactly about QAbstractItemView or QTreeView with non-plain structure, not QTableView.

Upd2: I'm implementing tree view model with checkboxes. I want next behavior (same for checking/uncheking):

  • If one of checkbox is checked - then all childs must be checked
  • If all child checkboxes are checked - then parent check box should be checked too. And same for parent of parent, and so on...

Check state are monitored/modified by external data source, so I need a mechanism to update all changed children/parents. dataChanged signal is not enough for me because it is very expansive to build a list of all changed QModelIndex for updating. And it is not necessary at all, because all fresh data will be picked from QAbstractItemModel::data.

I found next dirty hack to update all items: emit dataChanged( QModelIndex(), QModelIndex() ); but it's undocumented for invalid indexes.

So, I need a way to force all visible items redraw they content with fresh data.

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Dmitry Sazonov Avatar asked Apr 04 '13 17:04

Dmitry Sazonov

2 Answers

You can get the topleft and bottom right cell by calling:


To get notification of change, reimplement the virtual function of qabstractscrollarea


This function is called when the view port is scrolled. call QTableView::scrollContentsBy and then do whatever you need to.

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Min Lin Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 07:11

Min Lin

For QTreeView, the list of visible items can be traversed like this:

QTreeView& tv (yourTreeView);

// Get model index for first visible item
QModelIndex modelIndex = tv.indexAt(tv.rect().topLeft());

while (modelIndex.isValid())
    // do something with the item indexed by modelIndex
    // This navigates to the next visible item
    modelIndex = tv.indexBelow(modelIndex);
like image 45
Adrian W Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 08:11

Adrian W