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How to get larger favicon from Google's api?



People also ask

How big can my favicon be?

The optimal size for favicons is 16x16 pixels. That's how they appear in browser tabs, address bars, and bookmark lists. Ideally however, you'll create your favicon in multiple sizes. That way you'll see properly scaled versions on larger screens rather than the 16x16 version stretched out.

How do I get a Google favicon?

Google Sites Usually, to add a favicon to a website, you need to create a special type of file with the . ico extension. In Google Sites, however, you can choose any image file and Google will convert it to the correct format for you.

How can I make my favicon bigger?

The optimal size for creating a favicon is 16x16 pixels, which is the size in which they are most commonly displayed. However, they can appear in larger dimensions too (such as 32x32 pixels). If you need help getting the right size for your favicon , try using Wix's Image Resizer tool.

looks like there is size parameter in google now.


Editted: The below answer is no longer valid, but the code is freely available on github:

Github -> Favicons for all!

Original answer

You can also try Statvoo's Favicon API, e.g.




They also have quite a few other API's you can use if you look around. Most of which are free and have been around for years.

Looks like Google has an size attribute too.


Here's some Favicon Fetchers I have found

  • Free Favicon-Service by AllesEDV.at - https://f1.allesedv.com/stackoverflow.com
  • Google Favicon Snatcher - https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=stackoverflow.com
  • Favicon Grabber - http://favicongrabber.com/api/grab/stackoverflow.com

For Favicon Grabber it will return as JSON list of icon URLs.

Alternatively you can load the main page of the site and figure it out from there: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1990487/