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How to get keyboard to move to next textfield

I have several UITextFields that are in a group... I need to be able to move from the first to the last, and on the last make it FirstResponder.

I thought the Next key would move the focus, and Done would cause it to become FirstResponder, but apparently not.


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SpokaneDude Avatar asked Jan 21 '11 15:01


2 Answers

The "Accepted Answer" is right, but I thought a little code wouldn't hurt for people who are new to MonoTouch.

public override void ViewDidLoad () {
    base.ViewDidLoad ();

    // make first text field have focus

    // make 'return' shift focus to next text field
    this.txtMake.ShouldReturn = delegate(UITextField textField) {
        this.txtModel.BecomeFirstResponder ();
        return true;

    // make 'return' on last text field save and close the form
    this.txtModel.ShouldReturn = delegate(UITextField textField) {
        this.SaveAndClose ();
        return true;

private void SaveAndClose() {
    // todo: do something with your data

    // navigate back

Hope this helps others.

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Rodney Willis Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11

Rodney Willis

You have to implement the UITextFieldDelegate's ShouldReturn method and in there make the next text field BecomeFirstResponder(). Then return/next will take you to the next field. If return is hit on the last textfield you will call ResignFirstResponder() on that field.

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Krumelur Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11
