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How to get Id of selected value in Mat-Select Option in Angular 5


How to get the id of selected option value in mat-select angular 5. Get only value of selected option in onchangeevent. but how can get id of selected option value.

 client.component.html <mat-form-field>     <mat-select placeholder="Client*" #clientValue  (change)="changeClient($event)">     <mat-option  *ngFor="let client of clientDetails"   [value]="client.clientName">       {{client.clientName |  json}}     </mat-option>   </mat-select> </mat-form-field>  client.component.ts file export class Client{      changeClient(event){      console.log(event);  } } 
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AtmanSangeetha Avatar asked Feb 09 '18 12:02


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1 Answers

The question is specific to Angular 5 but for others coming here with a newer version of Angular, the (change) event won't work for mat-select.

In Angular 6 the (change) event has been changed to (selectionChange).

So it would be:

<mat-form-field>     <mat-select placeholder="Client*" #clientValue  (selectionChange)="changeClient($event.value)">     <mat-option  *ngFor="let client of clientDetails" [value]="client.id">       {{client.clientName}}     </mat-option>   </mat-select> </mat-form-field> 

And in the component:

changeClient(value) {     console.log(value); } 

From this answer and the documentation.

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Stack Underflow Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Stack Underflow