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How to get freb.xsl file in IIS_FailureTrace directory




I am running IIS on Windows Server 2012 R2. I follow the follow steps to enable 'failed request tracing' in IIS:


I get a fr000001.xml file in my 'DataDir\Logs\IIS_FailureTrac directory, but there is no freb.xsl file. I tried go to IE and do http://localhost, that does not help.

How can I get the freb.xsl file?

like image 879
n179911 Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 18:02


People also ask

How do I open a failed request tracing log?

To view Failed Request Tracing logs. Navigate to the directory where the Failed Request Tracing logs are written. By default, the location is %SystemDrive%\inetpub\Logs\FailedReqLogFiles\ . Change directory to the folder that matches the Default Web Site.

What is failed request tracing?

Failed Request Tracing is the most important IIS feature for diagnosing and troubleshooting any problem. It helps you determine what is exactly going on with your requests and why, provided you could reproduce the problem after enabling the failed request tracing feature.

What is IIS tracing?

Request-based tracing is available both in stand-alone IIS Servers and on Azure web apps and provides a way to determine what exactly is happening with your requests and why, provided that you can reproduce the problem that you are experiencing.

1 Answers

On Windows Server 2008 R2, I completely deleted the W3SVC1 folder in C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\ .Then I requested again the page with my error. The folder W3SVC1 was recreated, and this time it contained my failed request .xml as well as freb.xsl. (if that doesn't work, you could be lucky, try from a dos prompt, from c:\, dir freb.xsl /s. I've got multiple copies of it for iis, iisexpress, multiple web sites, etc... it's in My Documents\IISExpress\TraceLogFiles for example)

like image 63
Thierry_S Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10
