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how to get followers list from facebook account by graph api?

how to get followers list from facebook account by graph api?

I got friends from facebook account by

FB.api('/me/friends?access_token='+accessToken, {
                        fields : 'id, name, picture'
                    }, function(response) {

There is any way to get my Facebook account's followers?

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Abhijit Sen Avatar asked Apr 29 '13 10:04

Abhijit Sen

People also ask

How do I get data from Facebook Graph API?

From “Graph API Explorer” drop down, select your app. Then, select “Get Token”. From this drop down, select “Get User Access Token”. Select permissions from the menu that appears and then select “Get Access Token.”

How do I get my Facebook Graph API User ID?

The simplest way to get a copy of the User Profile object is to access the /me endpoint: FB. api('/me', function(response) { }); This will this will return the users name and an ID by default.

1 Answers


You cannot get a user's subscribers as of API version 2.0

Yes there is. The User's who follow a particular User are his subscribers, and the endpoint


This will show you the total count if you don't have user_subscriptions or friends_subscriptions permission, if you have those you would get name and ids of the Users who follow a User.

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Anvesh Saxena Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Anvesh Saxena