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How to get first four letters from string in Swift 3?



I am trying to do IFSCCode validation in swift, but the problem I'm facing is I am not able to fetch the first four letters in string.

IFSC Code example:


This is how an IFSC Code looks:

  1. First four characters in IFSC Code are always alphabets
  2. Fifth character is always a zero.
  3. And rest can be anything
  4. The length of IFSC Code should not be greater than or less than 11. It should 11 in length.

I have written code for ifs code validation in Objective C, but I am not that familiar in Swift so getting a problem in replicating the same in Swift.

The following is the code which I have written in Objective C:

- (BOOL)validateIFSCCode:(NSString*)ifsccode {   if (ifsccode.length < 4) {     return FALSE;   }   for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {     if (![[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet]             characterIsMember:[ifsccode characterAtIndex:i]]) {       return FALSE;     }   }   if (ifsccode.length < 10) {     return FALSE;   }   if ([ifsccode characterAtIndex:4] != '0') {     return FALSE;   } else {     return TRUE;   } } 

In Swift 3

func validateIfscCode(_ ifscCode : String) -> Bool{     if(ifscCode.characters.count < 4){         return false;     }      for( _ in 0 ..< 4){         let charEntered = (ifscCode as NSString).character(at: i)     }     if(ifscCode.characters.count < 10){         return false;     }      let idx = ifscCode[ifscCode.index(ifscCode.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)]      print("idx:%d",idx)     if (idx == "0"){     }     return true } 
like image 559
Rani Avatar asked Oct 18 '16 16:10


People also ask

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In Swift, the first property is used to return the first character of a string.

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In swift 4, the substring method has been deprecated and now we can use the suffix method of strings, which allow us to get the last few characters of any string.

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You can get a substring from a string by using subscripts or a number of other methods (for example, prefix , suffix , split ). You still need to use String. Index and not an Int index for the range, though. (See my other answer if you need help with that.)

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To split a string to an array in Swift by a character, use the String. split(separator:) function. However, this requires that the separator is a singular character, not a string.

1 Answers

The easiest way to get a string's prefix is with

// Swift 3 String(string.characters.prefix(4))  // Swift 4 and up string.prefix(4)  // Objective-C NSString *firstFour = [string substringToIndex:4]; 
like image 179
Tim Vermeulen Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11

Tim Vermeulen