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How to get Facebook access token using Python library?

I've found this Library it seems it is the official one, then found this, but everytime i find an answer the half of it are links to Facebook API Documentation which talks about Javascript or PHP and how to extract it from links!

How do i make it on simple python script?

NB: what i realy dont understand, why using a library and cant extract token if we can use urllib and regex to extract informations?

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Abdelouahab Avatar asked May 24 '13 16:05


Video Answer

3 Answers

Not sure if this helps anyone, but I was able to get an oauth_access_token by following this code.

from facepy import utils
app_id = 134134134134 # must be integer
oath_access_token = utils.get_application_access_token(app_id, app_secret)

Hope this helps.

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lemonpro Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10


Javascript and PHP can be used as web development languages. You need a web front end for the user to grant permission so that you can obtain the access token.

Rephrased: You cannot obtain the access token programmatically, there must be manual user interaction

In Python it will involve setting up a web server, for example a script to update feed using facepy

import web
from facepy import GraphAPI
from urlparse import parse_qs

url = ('/', 'index')

app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_secret = "APP_SECRET"
post_login_url = ""

user_data = web.input(code=None)

if not user_data.code:
    dialog_url = ( "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?" +
                               "client_id=" + app_id +
                               "&redirect_uri=" + post_login_url +
                               "&scope=publish_stream" )

    return "<script>top.location.href='" + dialog_url + "'</script>"
    graph = GraphAPI()
    response = graph.get(
    data = parse_qs(response)
    graph = GraphAPI(data['access_token'][0])
    graph.post(path = 'me/feed', message = 'Your message here')
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phwd Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10


here is a Gist i tried to make using Tornado since the answer uses web.py


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Abdelouahab Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 23:10
