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How to get english language word database? [closed]




WordNet database might be helpful. I once worked on a Firefox add-on which deals with words and all kinds of simple to complicated associations between them and stuff. Looks like WordNet will be very much useful to you.

Here it is in MySQL format. And this one (web-archived link) uses Wordnet v3.0 data, rather than the older Wordnet 2.0 data.

You can find what you need on infochimps.org.

They have a list of 350,000 simple (ie non-compound) words available for free download.

Word List - 350,000+ Simple English Words

Regarding other languages, you might want to poke around on Wiktionary. Here is a link to all the database backups - the information isnt organized so likely but if they have a language, you can download the data in SQL format.

I do not see http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/ mentioned here, but that is where I would start if I were looking for something like this (and I was, when I stumbled over this question).

If you cannot find what you want there, and what you want is a list of english words, then you should probably spend some extra time describing how to recognize what it is that you want.

There's no such thing as a "complete" list. Different people have different ways of measuring -- for example, they might include slang, neologisms, multi-word phrases, offensive terms, foreign words, verb conjugations, and so on. Some people have even counted a million words! So you'll have to decide what you want in a word list.

You may check *spell en-GB dictionary used by Mozilla, OpenOffice, plenty of other software.

You didn't say what you needed this list for. If something used as a blacklist for password checks is enough cracklib might be good for you. It contains over 1.5M words.