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how to get DTPerformanceSession working when 'libproc.h file not found'

After adding the line

#import <DTPerformanceSession/DTSignalFlag.h>

I get 'libproc.h file not found'. This file is not on my mac. I have tried googling it and it appears is should be included with Xcode. I have tried upgrading xcode from 4.3 to 4.4 and still the same error.

I am trying to use the following line in my game loop.

DTSendSignalFlag("com.mycompany.mytracepoints.app.point", DT_POINT_SIGNAL, TRUE);

I have included the DTPerformanceSession.framework Am I missing something?

like image 979
Mark Cooper Avatar asked Sep 17 '12 11:09

Mark Cooper

1 Answers

If you are using for iOS then comment out that line "libproc.h". The flags will appear but on the simulator only not on device. :)

like image 143
Hamdullah shah Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 06:11

Hamdullah shah