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How to get DQL result from the template with symfony 1.4?

I'm working with symfony 1.4 and Doctrine. I'm writing an app about some pubs/bars, and I've got 4 tables:

  • products
  • orders
  • product_order
  • pubs.

I want to get the times all products have been ordered in the first pub (i.e. pubs.id = 1). This is what I've got, but I can only get the sum of the first product (products.id = 1) and I need the sum of all of them, in this case there are two different products in my db.


public function ordersGetCount(){

    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()

      ->from('ProductOrder l')
      ->innerJoin('l.Order p ON l.id_order = p.id')
      ->select('SUM(l.amount) as units')
      ->andWhere('p.id_pub = 1')
   return $q->execute();

Here my action class:

$this->resultCount= Doctrine_Core::getTable('productorder')->ordersGetCount();

And here my template:

 for($i=0; $i<2; $i++){

          echo "<tr>";

          echo  "<td>".$resultCount[0]->getUnits()[$i]."</td>";//   
          echo  "<td>1</td>";
          echo  "<td>1</td>";
          echo "</tr>";


Please need help :)

like image 996
user2294971 Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 04:11


1 Answers

I think there's nothing wrong with your query, but you should have a look at how you display your results.

echo  "<td>".$resultCount[0]->getUnits()[$i]."</td>";

Firstly, you're always referring to the first element in the $resultCount array. Secondly, I'm not sure if you can use a getter for a virtual column (you're not using a column which is mapped to your model.

So I would go with something like this:

  1. In the ordersGetCount I would use

    return $q->fetchArray();

    This will return an array of arrays, not an array of objects, and will allow you to access the virtual column units.

  2. To display the results:

    <?php foreach ($resultCount as $row): ?>
                <?php echo $row['units']; ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>


This is quite strange ;) Can you try to build the query this way: (in theory it should be the same):

 $q = $this->createQuery('l')
     ->select('l.id_product, sum(l.amount) as units')
     ->where('p.id_pub = 1')
like image 154
Michal Trojanowski Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Michal Trojanowski