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How to get document.currentScript.ownerDocument in <script type="module">?

How i can get ownerDocument in script type="module"?

<script type="module">
  let owner = document.currentScript.ownerDocument // is null
  // But i need get <template>
  let tpl = owner.querySelector('template')
like image 214
Артур Лаврищев Avatar asked Jul 21 '17 04:07

Артур Лаврищев

People also ask

What is document currentScript?

currentScript. The Document. currentScript property returns the <script> element whose script is currently being processed and isn't a JavaScript module. (For modules use import.

What is type module in script?

A script tag having type="module" attribute specifies that it to be considered as a Javascript module. It may be importing other Javascript module(s) inside it and becomes a "top-level" module for the imported modules.

What is a module script JavaScript?

A module script is one that contains an ES6 module, i.e. it uses (or: can use) import and export declarations. From § Integration with the JavaScript module system: The JavaScript specification defines a syntax for modules, as well as some host-agnostic parts of their processing model.

1 Answers

The spec clearly states that when using <script type="module"> the document.currentScript property is set to null during execution. See spec under "execute a script block".

Which, of course, is obvious if using src attribute. The source has no way of knowing it will be called by a script tag and not an import statement (or both). When inlining the module there always is a script tag, but my guess is that they want to make the experience consistent.

If your document actually is the window.document that is still available as a global. Otherwise you have two options if you still want the script to be loaded as a module:

  • Not the prettiest; create a global above the module and store the template.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.myTemplates = ((ns) => {
      const owner = window.document.currentScript.ownerDocument;
      ns.fancyButton = owner.querySelector("template");
      return ns;
    })(window.myTemplates || {});
    <script type="module">
    const tpl = window.myTemplates.fancyButton;
    // ...
  • Don't write the template as a HTML template and instead as a ES/JS template. Your editor may not support highlighting literal HTML and linting of the tags is a problem.

    <script type="module">
    const tpl = window.document.createElement("template");
    tpl.innerHTML = `
      <span style="background-color: rgba(127,127,127,0.6);">text</span>
    // ...
like image 144
Tim Lundqvist Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 08:10

Tim Lundqvist