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How to get difference between two intervals of time in Carbon




I have two intervals of times , let's say

  • Interval X: [01-11-2019 08:00, 01-11-2019 14:00]
  • Interval Y: [01-11-2019 12:00, 01-11-2019 17:00]

I need to get the intersect between these intervals so the answer should be 2 hours because the interval Y intersect with interval X in 2 hours only, so how to do that in Carbon ? Is there any library or function to do that ? I've searched but no useful results. Thanks

Please note i mean difference between two intervals not just startDate and endDate

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Mohamed Gamal Avatar asked Nov 07 '19 13:11

Mohamed Gamal

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You can only use the diffInDays() function on a Carbon instance. You can create a new one by parsing the end date you're receiving. $end = Carbon::parse($request->input('end_date'));

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Help of Carbon class we can simply calculate minutes difference between two dates. you can simply customize code also. In Following example you can see, we have a two dates, first $to variable and second one $from variable. Carbon class diffInDays function using you can get difference between two dates.

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You can add hours on current date using carbon in laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9 version. If you need to add hour or more hours in date then you can use carbon in laravel. carbon provide addHour() and addHours() method to add hours on carbon date object.

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2 Answers

An interval represents an amount of time passed from timeA to timeB regardless of a start time or an end time. I guess you mean a period (date range).

You can calculate the overlap (intersection) between two date ranges using CarbonPeriod class and simple function.

I would like to suggest the following implementation:

use Carbon\CarbonInterval;
use Carbon\CarbonPeriod;

function calculatePeriodsOverlap(CarbonPeriod $periodA, CarbonPeriod $periodB): CarbonInterval
    if (!$periodA->overlaps($periodB)) {
        return new CarbonInterval(0);

    $firstEndDate = min($periodA->calculateEnd(), $periodB->calculateEnd());
    $latestStartDate = max($periodA->getStartDate(), $periodB->getStartDate());

    return CarbonInterval::make($firstEndDate->diff($latestStartDate));

$periodX = new CarbonPeriod('01-11-2019 08:00', '01-11-2019 14:00');
$periodY = new CarbonPeriod('01-11-2019 12:00', '01-11-2019 17:00');

calculatePeriodsOverlap($periodX, $periodY)->forHumans(); // returns "2 hours"
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d521bb85 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 08:10


You don't need a library how carbon. Use simply DateTime.

$iX0 = date_create('01-11-2019 08:00');  //Start interval X
$iX1 = date_create('01-11-2019 14:00');  //End interval X
$iY0 = date_create('01-11-2019 12:00');  //Start interval Y
$iY1 = date_create('01-11-2019 17:00');  //End interval Y

$i0 = MAX($iX0,$iY0);
$i1 = Min($iX1,$iY1);
if($i1 >= $i0){
  $diff = $i0->diff($i1);
  echo $diff->h." Hours";  //full Hours
else {
  echo 'no itersect';


2 Hours

Note: This example only calculates full hours without minutes and seconds.

Try it yourself: https://3v4l.org/uS1Fh

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jspit Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 06:10
