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How to get data from related table in Laravel (one to many)?

I have two tables: users, orders. I try to get all orders for current user.

Users    Orders
_____    ______
id | name  id | user_id

User model:

public function orders(){
     return $this->hasMany("App\Order");

Order model:

public function user(){
    return $this->hasOne("App\User", 'user_id', 'id');

Query in controller:

public function index()

    $orders = Order::where('user_id', Auth::guard('api')->id())->get();
    return response()->json(

I get NULL result, I do something wrong, because there are related rows in both tables.

like image 598
Dev Avatar asked Jul 18 '16 21:07


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1 Answers

If you want to retrieve all the Orders belonging to the current user, try using the following function.

public function index()
    $orders = Auth::user()->with('Orders')->get()->toArray();//To get the output in array
    /*        ^               ^
     This will get the user | This will get all the Orders related to the user*/
    return response()->json($orders);

As pointed out by @Martin Heralecký, you would also need to change the hasOne() to belongsTo() in Order Model. See following (copied from @Martin Heralecký answer)

public function user(){
    return $this->belongsTo("App\User");// second and third arguments are unnecessary.

Why belongsTo():

has_one and belongs_to generally are the same in the sense that they point to the other related model. belongs_to make sure that this model has the foreign_key defined. has_one makes sure that the other model has_foreign key defined.

Your $orders array will look something like this:

User => [
 id => 'user id',
 name => 'user name'
 orders => [
  0 => [
         //order data
  1 => [
         //order data
like image 52
jaysingkar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09
