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How to get count of two-way combinations from two columns?

I work for a trucking company, and we're interested in getting a count of the number of times one of our trucks travels between two cities, in either direction.

I have a table that lists an origin and destination for each trip segment, such as:

Origin    Destination
City 1 City 2 City 2 City 1 City 3 City 4 City 2 City 1

I need a query that tells me that there were three trips between City 1 and City 2 and one trip between City 3 and City 4. Thanks very much!

like image 335
CBode Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 09:03


1 Answers

I think the following should do the trick.

   CASE WHEN Origin > Destination THEN Origin+'_'+Destination
   ELSE Destination+'_'+Origin 
   END AS route
   FROM table1
 GROUP BY route
like image 121
a1ex07 Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 00:03
