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How to get cloud function onCreate trigger doc id

I want to get the id of the document that trigger the oncreate function but i tried snap.params.id like below but i am getting undefined.

When i console log this projectId, i am getting undefined and sometimes throws error and i am using version "firebase-admin": "~5.12.1", "firebase-functions": "^1.0.3"

    exports.created = functions.firestore.document('projects/{projectId}')
      .onCreate(snap => {
        const projectId = snap.params.id;
        const project = snap.data();
        const notification = {
          title: `${project.title}`,
          projectId: `${projectId}`

So how do i get the document id?

like image 571
R.Ovie Avatar asked Dec 17 '18 11:12


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1 Answers

Since you use a Cloud Functions version >= 1.0, events for onCreate have two parameters as shown below, and you should use context.params.

exports.created = functions.firestore.document('projects/{projectId}')
   .onCreate((snap, context) => {

       const projectId = context.params.projectId;

       const project = snap.data();



See this doc item for more detail.

like image 143
Renaud Tarnec Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Renaud Tarnec