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How to get boto3 to display _all_ RDS instances?

Trying to get all RDS instances with boto3 - does not return all RDS instances.

When I look at my RDS instances in Oregon (us-west-2), I see the following:

RDS instances in Oregon

However, if I run the below Python3 script, I only get one result:

$ python3 ./stackoverflow.py 

RDS instances in Oregon
aurora-5-7-yasmin.cazdggrmkpt1.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com qa test db.t2.small aurora-5-7-yasmin

Can you suggest a way to get boto3 to display all RDS instances?

$ cat ./stackoverflow.py 
import collections
import boto3
import datetime
import pygsheets

REGIONS = ('us-west-2',)
REGIONS_H = ('Oregon',)

currentDT = str(datetime.datetime.now())

def create_spreadsheet(outh_file, spreadsheet_name = "AWS usage"):
    client = pygsheets.authorize(outh_file=outh_file, outh_nonlocal=True)
    spread_sheet = client.create(spreadsheet_name)
    return spread_sheet

def rds_worksheet_creation(spread_sheet):
    for i in range(len(REGIONS)):
        region = REGIONS[i]
        region_h = REGIONS_H[i]
        print("{} instances in {}".format("RDS", region_h))

        client = boto3.client('rds', region_name=region)
        db_instances = client.describe_db_instances()
        for i in range(len(db_instances)):
            j = i - 1
                DBName = db_instances['DBInstances'][j]['DBName']
                MasterUsername = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['MasterUsername']
                DBInstanceClass = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['DBInstanceClass']
                DBInstanceIdentifier = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['DBInstanceIdentifier']
                Endpoint = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['Endpoint']
                Address = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['Endpoint']['Address']
                print("{} {} {} {} {}".format(Address, MasterUsername, DBName, DBInstanceClass,
            except KeyError:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    spread_sheet = create_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_name = "AWS usage", outh_file = '../client_secret.json')

$ cat ../client_secret.json 

Edit 1:

Following Michael's comment, I changed the script to the following, but even though one more related line appeared, most of the RDS instances are still not returned:

$ python3 ./stackoverflow.py 

RDS instances in Oregon
aurora-5-7-yasmin.cazdggrmkpt1.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com qa +++ DBName gave KeyError +++ db.t2.small aurora-5-7-yasmin
aurora-5-7-yasmin.cazdggrmkpt1.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com qa test db.t2.small aurora-5-7-yasmin

$ cat ./stackoverflow.py 
import collections
import boto3
import datetime
import pygsheets

REGIONS = ('us-west-2',)
REGIONS_H = ('Oregon',)

currentDT = str(datetime.datetime.now())

def create_spreadsheet(outh_file, spreadsheet_name = "AWS usage"):
    client = pygsheets.authorize(outh_file=outh_file, outh_nonlocal=True)
    spread_sheet = client.create(spreadsheet_name)
    return spread_sheet

def rds_worksheet_creation(spread_sheet):
    for i in range(len(REGIONS)):
        region = REGIONS[i]
        region_h = REGIONS_H[i]
        print("{} instances in {}".format("RDS", region_h))

        client = boto3.client('rds', region_name=region)
        db_instances = client.describe_db_instances()
        for i in range(len(db_instances)):
            j = i - 1
                DBName = db_instances['DBInstances'][j]['DBName']
            except KeyError:
                DBName = "+++ DBName gave KeyError +++"
            MasterUsername = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['MasterUsername']
            DBInstanceClass = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['DBInstanceClass']
            DBInstanceIdentifier = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['DBInstanceIdentifier']
            Endpoint = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['Endpoint']
            Address = db_instances['DBInstances'][0]['Endpoint']['Address']
            print("{} {} {} {} {}".format(Address, MasterUsername, DBName, DBInstanceClass,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    spread_sheet = create_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_name = "AWS usage", outh_file = '../client_secret.json')
like image 829
boardrider Avatar asked Apr 26 '19 20:04


People also ask

How do I find my RDS instance?

Login to your AWS management portal at console.aws.amazon.com . Under the "Database" section, find "RDS", go to "Instances". If you have any RDS databases, you will see them in the list, there, you will also be able to see connection details.

How do I check my IOPS RDS?

You can view them by visiting cloudwatch, selecting RDS and then finding the ReadIOPS and WriteIOPS metrics for your database. Once the graph shows up, select the 1 minute granularity and “average” from the dropdown. By summing up the ReadIOPS and WriteIOPS you will see how much IOPS your operations consume.

1 Answers

You have an error in your original code but if you want this code to scale to a large number of instances (it is unlikely you'll need this) then you'll want to use something like the following:

import boto3
available_regions = boto3.Session().get_available_regions('rds')

for region in available_regions:
    rds = boto3.client('rds', region_name=region)
    paginator = rds.get_paginator('describe_db_instances').paginate()
    for page in paginator:
        for dbinstance in page['DBInstances']:

You can get rid of the paginator and just use the first loop if you know each region will have fewer than 100s of instances:

for region in available_regions:
    rds = boto3.client('rds', region_name=region)
    for dbinstance in rds.describe_db_instances():

Additionally you can provide a simple

dbinstance.get('DBName', 'No Name Set')

instead of excepting around the KeyError.

like image 56
Randall Hunt Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Randall Hunt