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How to get awaitable Thread.Sleep?

People also ask

Is Sleep blocking the thread?

Sleep method causes the current thread to immediately block for the number of milliseconds or the time interval you pass to the method, and yields the remainder of its time slice to another thread. Once that interval elapses, the sleeping thread resumes execution.

What is thread sleep in C#?

In C#, a Sleep() method temporarily suspends the current execution of the thread for specified milliseconds, so that other threads can get the chance to start the execution, or may get the CPU for execution. There are two methods in the overload list of Thread. Sleep Method as follows: Sleep(Int32)

The other answers suggesting starting a new thread are a bad idea - there's no need to do that at all. Part of the point of async/await is to reduce the number of threads your application needs.

You should instead use Task.Delay which doesn't require a new thread, and was designed precisely for this purpose:

// Execution of the async method will continue one second later, but without
// blocking.
await Task.Delay(1000);