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How to get application port programmatically in Dropwizard



I am using dropwizard version 0.7.1. It is configured to use "random" (ephemeral?) port (server.applicationConnectors.port=0). I want to get what port is really in use after startup, but I can't find any information how to do that.

like image 348
tomekK Avatar asked Aug 28 '14 06:08


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Add your configuration to the command line after server . See dropwizard.codahale.com/getting-started/#running-your-service for more information. It should have the desired effect. Perfect!

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Overview. Dropwizard is an open-source Java framework used for the fast development of high-performance RESTful web services. It gathers some popular libraries to create the light-weight package. The main libraries that it uses are Jetty, Jersey, Jackson, JUnit, and Guava.

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1 Answers

You can get a serverStarted callback from a lifecycle listener to figure this out.

public void run(ExampleConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
  environment.lifecycle().addServerLifecycleListener(new ServerLifecycleListener() {
    public void serverStarted(Server server) {
      for (Connector connector : server.getConnectors()) {
        if (connector instanceof ServerConnector) {
          ServerConnector serverConnector = (ServerConnector) connector;
          System.out.println(serverConnector.getName() + " " + serverConnector.getLocalPort());
          // Do something useful with serverConnector.getLocalPort()
like image 118
condit Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
