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How to get Ant Design Form data in another Component

I've created a form using Ant design's Form.create() and i want to access it's field's values in another component. Using redux, i can do that using:

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    formStates: getFormValues('form')(state), 

is there a way to do that for Ant design's Forms?

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Taha Moumen Avatar asked Nov 06 '19 15:11

Taha Moumen

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1 Answers

It can get the field values if the other component is inside Form.create().

Once the field has been registered with getFieldDecorator, you can access the value by props.form.getFieldValue('fieldName').

like image 105
Yu Chia Wu Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Yu Chia Wu