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How to get all methods for a type


I have a type T, how can I get all methods that are specialized to this type in the REPL? My motivation is that T is defined in a package and it may not be easy to see what I am meant to do with T from the source code.

In summary, I'd want something like


as methods already exists but it requires the functions I want to find out about

like image 490
Fred Schoen Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 09:07

Fred Schoen

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1 Answers

You need to use methodswith(T):

help?> methodswith search: methodswith    methodswith(typ[, module or function][, showparents])    Return an array of methods with an argument of type typ. If optional showparents   is true, also return arguments with a parent type of typ, excluding type Any.    The optional second argument restricts the search to a particular module or   function.  julia> type Foo end  julia> methodswith(Foo) 0-element Array{Method,1}  julia> foo(::Foo) = nothing foo (generic function with 1 method)  julia> methodswith(Foo) 1-element Array{Method,1}:  foo(::Foo) at none:1 
like image 158
HarmonicaMuse Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
