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How to get all li element to calculate using JavaScript

This list was generated using input tag and appending the element to ul :

<ul id ="add">

This is list now I would like to iterate over it so that on the console I get 34*5+3 which can calculate using JavaScript, but how to get the value of all Li to tag together so that it is able to calculate:

The complete code is from which I would like to do the calculation :

<!DOCTYPE html>
            document.querySelector('#submit').onclick =()=>{
                const li = document.createElement('li');
                li.innerHTML = document.querySelector('#number').value;
                return false;

               list-style-type: none;
               display: inline;


        <div id="user-input">
            <ul id="add">

                <input type="text" id="number">
                <input type="submit" id="submit">

like image 428
green seek Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 11:03

green seek

1 Answers

You can use document.querySelector and textContent to get the text which will be a string then use eval to calculate it.

let m = [...document.querySelector("#add").children];
let val = '';
m.forEach(function(item) {
  val += item.textContent;


console.log(eval(val)) //34*5+3
<ul id="add">
like image 90
brk Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 16:03
