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How to get Adobe Reader full path(including executable file name)?

it's possible? I need to get the full path of Adobe Reader including the executable name. I'm looking for on windows registries, the closer that I did was found the full path without executable name. Thanks in advance.

my code:

var adobe = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software").OpenSubKey("Adobe").OpenSubKey("Acrobat Reader");
var version = adobe.GetSubKeyNames().First();
var path = adobe.OpenSubKey(version).OpenSubKey("installer").GetValue("path");

Thanks in advance.

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Jack Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 05:06


People also ask

How do you find the file path in Adobe Acrobat?

In Acrobat, like in many applications, you can drag-and-drop the document icon from the window's title bar to other applications, which hands over the file's path (hold down the mouse button slightly longer before dragging).

How do I copy the path of an Adobe PDF?

Add a right-click menu option (context menu) on the . pdf's Tab to offer the option to Copy the full path and filename into the Copy/Paste Buffer. This would be identical in behavior to Windows 10 Explorer's Shift-Right-Click on a file, and get the option: Copy as Path.

How do I download Adobe Reader exe?

Go to the Adobe Acrobat Reader download page and click Download Acrobat Reader. Click Save to download the Reader installer. When the downloaded file appears at the bottom of the browser window, click the .exe file for Reader.

2 Answers

One of these should do it for you:

    var adobe = Registry.LocalMachine
                        .OpenSubKey("App Paths")

    var path = adobe.GetValue("");

    var adobeOtherWay = Registry.LocalMachine

    var pathOtherWay = adobeOtherWay.GetValue("");

Pick one and run with it ;)

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Faraday Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11


I found a problem with the "adobeOtherWay" solution. If Adobe Acrobat(not reader) is installed, then the path will point to Acrobat.exe and not the reader's exe.(I wanted to comment to above, but don't have enough reputation)

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Alex Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11
