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how to get access to error message from abort command when using custom error handler

Using a python flask server, I want to be able to throw an http error response with the abort command and use a custom response string and a custom message in the body

@app.errorhandler(400) def custom400(error):     response = jsonify({'message': error.message})     response.status_code = 404     response.status = 'error.Bad Request'     return response  abort(400,'{"message":"custom error message to appear in body"}') 

But the error.message variable comes up as an empty string. I can't seem to find documentation on how to get access to the second variable of the abort function with a custom error handler

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richmb Avatar asked Jan 22 '14 21:01


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2 Answers

If you look at flask/__init__.py you will see that abort is actually imported from werkzeug.exceptions. Looking at the Aborter class, we can see that when called with a numeric code, the particular HTTPException subclass is looked up and called with all of the arguments provided to the Aborter instance. Looking at HTTPException, paying particular attention to lines 85-89 we can see that the second argument passed to HTTPException.__init__ is stored in the description property, as @dirn pointed out.

You can either access the message from the description property:

@app.errorhandler(400) def custom400(error):     response = jsonify({'message': error.description['message']})     # etc.  abort(400, {'message': 'custom error message to appear in body'}) 

or just pass the description in by itself:

@app.errorhandler(400) def custom400(error):     response = jsonify({'message': error.description})     # etc.  abort(400, 'custom error message to appear in body') 
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Sean Vieira Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Sean Vieira

People rely on abort() too much. The truth is that there are much better ways to handle errors.

For example, you can write this helper function:

def bad_request(message):     response = jsonify({'message': message})     response.status_code = 400     return response 

Then from your view function you can return an error with:

@app.route('/') def index():     if error_condition:         return bad_request('message that appears in body') 

If the error occurs deeper in your call stack in a place where returning a response isn't possible then you can use a custom exception. For example:

class BadRequestError(ValueError):     pass  @app.errorhandler(BadRequestError) def bad_request_handler(error):     return bad_request(str(error)) 

Then in the function that needs to issue the error you just raise the exception:

def some_function():     if error_condition:         raise BadRequestError('message that appears in the body') 

I hope this helps.

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Miguel Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
