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How to get a search bar into an NSToolbar in a Catalyst app?

I've seen some Catalyst apps add a search bar to the NSToolbar and was wondering how I could do the same. Would I have to import AppKit/Cocoa to get an NSSearchField and the actual NSToolbar? Or is there some way with UISearchBars that I am just not seeing? Any help would be great, thanks.

I have tried importing AppKit and Cocoa (Using a bundle loader), but I don't think I had done it right. If anyone has a solid guide on how to do this, please link it.

I also tried creating a UIBarButtonItem with a custom view of a UISearchBar, which doesn't end up rendering anything. (that can be found below)

This is found in a switch case on itemIdentifier.rawValue (in the toolbar itemForIdentifier function)

let search = UISearchBar()
let button = UIBarButtonItem(customView: search)
button.width = 100
let toolbarItem = NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, barButtonItem: button)
toolbarItem.isBordered = true
toolbarItem.isEnabled = true
return toolbarItem
like image 744
Magnetar Developer Avatar asked Oct 06 '19 19:10

Magnetar Developer

2 Answers

Thanks to mmackh, the search bar can be added in just as easily as any other toolbar item. Thank all of you who looked into this.


Swift Example

Once you add the files to your project (and in this case your bridging header), just return this as you would any other toolbar item.

let item = NSToolbarItem_Catalyst.searchItem(withItemIdentifier: "searchBar", textDidChangeHandler: { string in
like image 133
Magnetar Developer Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 01:11

Magnetar Developer

I found a soulution that works for me, maybe it will be good enough for you too.

While I can't create a search bar in toolbar, I can create the button that looks pretty much as a search bar. That button then toggles the visibility of search bar in Catalyst application.

Here's the (obj-c) code for it:

    UIImageSymbolConfiguration *conf = [UIImageSymbolConfiguration configurationWithPointSize:32 weight:UIImageSymbolWeightRegular];
    UIImage *backImage = [UIImage systemImageNamed:@"magnifyingglass" withConfiguration:conf];
    UIBarButtonItem *buttonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:backImage style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:@selector(searchButtonAction)];
    NSToolbarItem *item = [NSToolbarItem itemWithItemIdentifier:itemIdentifier barButtonItem:buttonItem];
    item.title = @"Search";
    return item;

And here are the images of how this looks in app: iOS search bar off iOS search bar on

As a bonus, you could use some non trimmable space character (like this one) to add space after "Search" string, making the button look even more like a proper search bar.

Here's how that looks:

final searchbar

like image 1
duke4e Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 02:11
