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How to get a published collection's total count, regardless of a specified limit, on the client?



I'm using the meteor-paginated-subscription package in my app. On the server, my publication looks like this:

Meteor.publish("posts", function(limit) {
  return Posts.find({}, {
    limit: limit

And on the client:

this.subscriptionHandle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination("posts", 10);

Template.post_list.events = {
  'click #load_more': function(event, template) {

This works well, but I'd like to hide the #load_more button if all the data is loaded on the client, using a helper like this:

Template.post_list.allPostsLoaded = function () {
  allPostsLoaded = Posts.find().count() <= this.subscriptionHandle.loaded();
  Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
  return allPostsLoaded;

The problem is that Posts.find().count() is returning the number of documents loaded on the client, not the number available on the server.

I've looked through the Telescope project, which also uses the meteor-paginated-subscription package, and I see code that does what I want to do:

allPostsLoaded: function(){
  allPostsLoaded = this.fetch().length < this.loaded();
  Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
  return allPostsLoaded;  

But I'm not sure if it's actually working. Porting their code into mine does not work.

Finally, it does look like Mongo supports what I want to do. The docs say that, by default, cursor.count() ignores the effects of limit.

Seems like all the pieces are there, but I'm having trouble putting them together.

like image 641
jrullmann Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 14:09


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1 Answers

None of the answers do what you really want becase none provide solution that is reactive.

This package does exactly what you want and also reactive.


like image 62
Mustafa Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
