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How to get a page count in an mPDF document?


Does anybody knows how to get the number of generated pages if a PDF document using mPDF library?

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Nikita Gopkalo Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 12:04

Nikita Gopkalo

People also ask

How to set page number in mPDF?

Page numbering changes are made when adding a new page using AddPage() or <pagebreak> (or TOCpagebreak() and <tocpagebreak>) or using @page. You could obviously also hide the page numbering by redefining a header or footer that does not include '{PAGENO}' .

How to add page number in mPDF php?

add this to a main mPDF class: function getPageCount() { return count($this->pages); } then add a html-parser such string: $html = str_replace('{PAGECNT}', $this->getPageCount(), $html); after these actions you can insert {PAGECNT} directly in your parsed HTML to get the result.

How do I add a footer in mPDF?

Setting a Header/Footer at the start of a documentUse a single command with a string as parameter, to set a header/footer at the right margin of the page on ODD pages, and left margin for EVEN pages (if DOUBLE-SIDED document), or right margin for all pages.

1 Answers

I was looking for the same functionallity while using EYiiPdf (a wrapper for mPDF on Yii) and the following worked like a charm:

$mPDF->setFooter('{PAGENO} / {nb}'); 

I checked mPDF's source and found this at mpdf.php:1656 (version 5.4):

function AliasNbPages($alias='{nb}') {     //Define an alias for total number of pages     $this->aliasNbPg=$alias; } 

Hope it helps!

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Tomi Drpic Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 20:09

Tomi Drpic