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How to get a list of the grouped values in linq groupby?




Linq newbie here, struggling with my first group by query.

I have a list of objects of type KeywordInstance which represent a keyword, and the ID of the database record to which the keyword was applied.

Keyword      RecordID
macrophages  1
macrophages  2
cell cycle   3 
map kinase   2
cell cycle   1

What I want to have is a collection of all keywords, with a list of the RecordIDs to which each keyword was applied

Keyword     RecordIDs 
macrophages 1, 2
cell cycle  1, 3
map kinase  2

I tried using Linq to get it into a new object. I only managed to get the distinct keywords.

var keywords = allWords .GroupBy(w => w.keyword) .Select(g => new {keyword = g.Key});

The problem is that I can't seem to get the values of g in any way. g is of the type IGrouping and by documentation, it only has the property Key, but not even the property Value. All the examples I have seen on the Internet for groupby just tell me to select g itself, but the result of

var keywords = allWords
    .GroupBy(w => w.keyword)
    .Select(g => new {keyword = g.Key, RecordIDs = g});

is not what I want.

screenshot of result

Any try to get something out of g fails with the error message System.Linq.IGropuing<string, UserQuery.KeywordInstance> does not have a definition for [whatever I tried].

What am I doing wrong here?

like image 650
Rumi P. Avatar asked Nov 06 '13 13:11

Rumi P.

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How does GroupBy work LINQ?

The working of the GroupBy operator is similar to the SQL GroupBy clause. It is used to return the group of elements which share the common attributes or key from the given sequence or collection. Every group is represented by IGrouping<TKey, TElement> object.

Does LINQ GroupBy keep order?

Found answer on MSDN: Yes. The IGrouping<TKey, TElement> objects are yielded in an order based on the order of the elements in source that produced the first key of each IGrouping<TKey, TElement> . Elements in a grouping are yielded in the order they appear in source.

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1 Answers

I think you are close to you solution.

var keywords = allWords
    .GroupBy(w => w.keyword)
    .Select(g => new 
              keyword = g.Key, 
              RecordIDs = g.Select(c => c.ID)

Just Select the records you need.
The reason you are seeing the Keyword-column as well as the ID-column, is becuase it's part of g

like image 124
Jens Kloster Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10

Jens Kloster