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How to get a code coverage report with react-create-app?

If I run

npm test --coverage

the tests pass, but the coverage is not run.

When I change package.json to have

react-scripts test --coverage

Then, when I do npm test and a it runs the tests but not the coverage

The tests run along with the coverage report but the coverage shows all zeroes for coverage

 PASS  src/components/Header/SubHeader.test.js
  The <SubHeader /> component
    ✓ should render (4ms)
    ✓ should render with a goback button (1ms)
    ✓ should render

File      |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files |        0 |        0 |        0 |        0 |                   |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       3 passed, 3 total
Snapshots:   3 passed, 3 total
Time:        1.077s
Ran all test suites.

Finally, I realized that I can do

npm run test .

Question: Why don't the other methods work?

like image 305
Michael Durrant Avatar asked Sep 01 '20 22:09

Michael Durrant

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And you will see your report in the terminal and the coverage folder will be generated, where you can see a lot of useful info, by the way! Show activity on this post. Since react-scripts has incorporated jest configuration, you can just type in npm run test --coverage or yarn test --coverage, to generate coverage report.

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How to generate a coverage report from a test?

So first thing first, run your test in single run mode. Alright, we are getting closer... So now, on top of that add the --coverage flag and you are all set: And you will see your report in the terminal and the coverage folder will be generated, where you can see a lot of useful info, by the way! Show activity on this post.

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1 Answers

After revisiting this question i figured out that if you run this you will trigger coverage command and get all results.


npm run test -- --coverage .

When you are passing arguments to npm script, you need to add -- before adding arguments like --coverage. This is just how npm works. See this answer for passing arguments to npm


yarn test --coverage .


I asked a question regarding . being passed down the command and answer is pretty much simple. . is passed because it is a positional parameter, in contrast to --coverage that is option for npm test command: Why is . passed as argument to npm without -- delimiter?

---- Problem analysis ----


npm test --coverage you are not passing --coverage argument to test script.

In the other case when you edit script to be:

react-scripts test --coverage and run npm test here you actually add argument --coverage, but in script itself, not from npm command


When you do npm run test . you are passing . that means you want to include all files in this command.

For some reason . is passed to the npm run test script but not --coverage.

On the other side yarn passes all arguments without --.

like image 61
Mario Petrovic Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Mario Petrovic