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How to get a android ListView item selector to use state_checked

Tearing my hair out trying to get an Android ListView to do what I want.

I want to have a ListView in single choice mode with a custom row layout that has a different background color for selected, pressed and checked (i.e. the choice is shown by a color rather than a check mark - this is what I would normally call the "selection" but selection in android seems line I'm about to choose before I press it)

I thought of trying a background selector with the three states in it. It works fine for state_selected and state_pressed, but not state_checked. So I created a CheckableRelativeLayout that extends RelativeLayout and implements Checkable and used for the view of each row.

A simplified version is shown here:


     <ImageView android:id="@+id/animage"

bkg_selector looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
    <item android:state_pressed="true" android:drawable="@drawable/purple" />
    <item android:state_checked="true" android:drawable="@drawable/red" />
    <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/darkpurple" />
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/black" />

The colors are defined elsewhere.

This still didn't work. So in the custom ListAdapter I tracked the "checked" row and tried (in getView)

if( position == checkedPosition ) ret.getBackground().setState(CHECKED_STATE_SET);

And it STILL doesn't work. How can I get it to do what I want?

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MrPurpleStreak Avatar asked Sep 18 '10 18:09


2 Answers

You need to override onCreateDrawableState in your CheckableRelativeLayout and set Clickable="true" for it. My code for LinearLayout:

public class CheckableLinearLayout extends LinearLayout implements Checkable {
private boolean checked = false;

public CheckableLinearLayout(Context context) {
    super(context, null);

public CheckableLinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);       

private static final int[] CheckedStateSet = {

public void setChecked(boolean b) {
    checked = b;

public boolean isChecked() {
    return checked;

public void toggle() {
    checked = !checked;

protected int[] onCreateDrawableState(int extraSpace) {
    final int[] drawableState = super.onCreateDrawableState(extraSpace + 1);
    if (isChecked()) {
        mergeDrawableStates(drawableState, CheckedStateSet);
    return drawableState;

public boolean performClick() {
    return super.performClick();
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Pavel Bakshy Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 12:11

Pavel Bakshy

Better than that, instead of setting clickable=true and overriding CheckableLinearLayout's performClick(), keep Pavel's suggestion for overriding onCreateDrawableState and replace CheckableLinearLayout's setChecked() by the following:

private final List<Checkable> mCheckableViews = new ArrayList<Checkable>();

protected void onFinishInflate() {
    final int childCount = getChildCount();

private void findCheckableChildren(View v) {
    if (v instanceof Checkable && v instanceof ViewGroup) {
        mCheckableViews.add((Checkable) v);
    if (v instanceof ViewGroup) {
        final ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) v;
        final int childCount = vg.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {

    public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
        mChecked = checked;
        for (Checkable c : mCheckableViews) {

It'll avoid problems on click and long click callbacks.

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Flávio Faria Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 10:11

Flávio Faria