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How to generate url for a route in Ember.js

I am wondering how is possible to generate url for a given route.

My scenario

I have list of calls (db entity) and user can select several calls and share them with other people via email.

After submition of selected calls is created db row with hash and by relation contains selected calls. Now I need generate link which can be sended by e-mail. This link is not the same route as list of call's route.

So the question is: Is it possible to generate url by route and params in Ember.js? Thank you.

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Jakub Truneček Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 16:02

Jakub Truneček

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1 Answers

You can use Router#generate which delegates to the router.js library.

Ember 2.5 Example

App = Ember.Application.create();

App.Router.map(function() {
  this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }, function(){

App.Post = Ember.Object.extend();

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return [
        id: 5,
        title: 'I am post 5'
        id: 6,
        title: 'I am post 6'
        id: 7,
        title: 'I am post 7'
  actions: {
    showUrl: function(post) {
      alert(this.router.generate('post.edit', post));

Ember 1.3 Example

App = Ember.Application.create();

App.Router.map(function() {
  this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' }, function(){

App.Post = Ember.Object.extend();

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function() {
    return [
        id: 5,
        title: 'I am post 5'
        id: 6,
        title: 'I am post 6'
        id: 7,
        title: 'I am post 7'
  actions: {
    showUrl: function(post) {
      alert(this.router.generate('post.edit', post));

This is what the {{#link-to ...}} helper uses under the hood.

like image 115
Luke Melia Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09

Luke Melia