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How to generate all dates between two dates

How can I retrieve all dates between '2015-10-02' to '2015-11-02' in SQLite? (String type) Result will be like:


This is not a question about SELECT * FROM myTable where myDate <= '2015-01-01' AND myDate >= '2015-01-31'. This is not about selecting all existing records which have a field between two days. I just want to retrieve all possible date values between two dates. I want to use them to query the count of record by days.

Date             Count
'2015-01-01'      19
'2015-01-02'      10
'2015-01-03'      0
like image 740
Andiana Avatar asked Oct 07 '15 01:10


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1 Answers

This is not possible without a recursive common table expression, which was introduced in SQLite 3.8.3:

WITH RECURSIVE dates(date) AS (
  SELECT date(date, '+1 day')
  FROM dates
  WHERE date < '2015-11-01'
SELECT date FROM dates;
like image 63
CL. Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10