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How to generate a random convex polygon?

I'm trying to devise a method for generating random 2D convex polygons. It has to have the following properties:

  • coordinates should be integers;
  • the polygon should lie inside a square with corners (0, 0) and (C, C), where C is given;
  • the polygon should have number of vertices close to a given number N.

For example, generate random polygons that have 10 vertices and lie inside square [0..100]x[0..100].

What makes this task hard, is the fact that the coordinates should be integers.

The approach I tried was to generate random set of points in the given square and compute the convex hull of these points. But the resultant convex hull is very little vertices compared to N.

Any ideas?

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Jasiu Avatar asked Jul 20 '11 06:07


People also ask

How do you make a polygon convex?

Sum of all the interior angles of a polygon of n sides = (n – 2)180°. The diagonals of the convex polygon lie completely inside the polygon. Area of convex polygon can be determined by dividing the polygon into triangles and then finding the area of each triangle and summing up them.

What is the example of convex polygon?

A planar polygon is convex if it contains all the line segments connecting any pair of its points. Thus, for example, a regular pentagon is convex (left figure), while an indented pentagon is not (right figure). A planar polygon that is not convex is said to be a concave polygon.

What is convex polygon theorem?

The Convex Polygon Theorem states that the optimum (maximum or minimum) solution of a LLP is attained at least one of the corner points of the convex set over which the solution is feasible.

Can a regular polygon be convex?

Regular convex polygons. All regular simple polygons (a simple polygon is one that does not intersect itself anywhere) are convex. Those having the same number of sides are also similar.

2 Answers

Here is the fastest algorithm I know that generates each convex polygon with equal probability. The output has exactly N vertices, and the running time is O(N log N), so it can generate even large polygons very quickly.

  • Generate two lists, X and Y, of N random integers between 0 and C. Make sure there are no duplicates.
  • Sort X and Y and store their maximum and minimum elements.
  • Randomly divide the other (not max or min) elements into two groups: X1 and X2, and Y1 and Y2.
  • Re-insert the minimum and maximum elements at the start and end of these lists (minX at the start of X1 and X2, maxX at the end, etc.).
  • Find the consecutive differences (X1[i + 1] - X1[i]), reversing the order for the second group (X2[i] - X2[i + 1]). Store these in lists XVec and YVec.
  • Randomize (shuffle) YVec and treat each pair XVec[i] and YVec[i] as a 2D vector.
  • Sort these vectors by angle and then lay them end-to-end to form a polygon.
  • Move the polygon to the original min and max coordinates.

An animation and Java implementation is available here: Generating Random Convex Polygons.

This algorithm is based on a paper by Pavel Valtr: “Probability that n random points are in convex position.” Discrete & Computational Geometry 13.1 (1995): 637-643.

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Mangara Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10


Following @Mangara answer there is JAVA implementation, if someone is interested in Python port of it

import random
from math import atan2

def to_convex_contour(vertices_count,
    Port of Valtr algorithm by Sander Verdonschot.


    >>> contour = to_convex_contour(20)
    >>> len(contour) == 20
    xs = [x_generator() for _ in range(vertices_count)]
    ys = [y_generator() for _ in range(vertices_count)]
    xs = sorted(xs)
    ys = sorted(ys)
    min_x, *xs, max_x = xs
    min_y, *ys, max_y = ys
    vectors_xs = _to_vectors_coordinates(xs, min_x, max_x)
    vectors_ys = _to_vectors_coordinates(ys, min_y, max_y)

    def to_vector_angle(vector):
        x, y = vector
        return atan2(y, x)

    vectors = sorted(zip(vectors_xs, vectors_ys),
    point_x = point_y = 0
    min_polygon_x = min_polygon_y = 0
    points = []
    for vector_x, vector_y in vectors:
        points.append((point_x, point_y))
        point_x += vector_x
        point_y += vector_y
        min_polygon_x = min(min_polygon_x, point_x)
        min_polygon_y = min(min_polygon_y, point_y)
    shift_x, shift_y = min_x - min_polygon_x, min_y - min_polygon_y
    return [(point_x + shift_x, point_y + shift_y)
            for point_x, point_y in points]

def _to_vectors_coordinates(coordinates, min_coordinate, max_coordinate):
    last_min = last_max = min_coordinate
    result = []
    for coordinate in coordinates:
        if _to_random_boolean():
            result.append(coordinate - last_min)
            last_min = coordinate
            result.append(last_max - coordinate)
            last_max = coordinate
    result.extend((max_coordinate - last_min,
                   last_max - max_coordinate))
    return result

def _to_random_boolean():
    return random.getrandbits(1)
like image 35
Azat Ibrakov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10

Azat Ibrakov