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How to format date with date-fns?

I've been trying to format a date using date-fns but I keep failing. Basically I have it working just fine with momentJS but not with date-fns:

Here's my date:

"10-13-20" // month, day, and year

Now with momentJS it works just fine like this:

let result = moment("10-13-20", 'MM-DD-YY').format()
// result = "2020-10-13T00:00:00-06:00"

So I'm trying to do the same using date-fns but no luck. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!

let result = format(new Date("10-13-20"), 'MM-DD-YY') // Not working
like image 712
Devmix Avatar asked Oct 14 '20 22:10


People also ask

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1 Answers

As you can see, with moment lib, we need 2 steps to get the result: parse string to Date object, then format date object to string.

Your code - format(new Date("10-13-20"), 'MM-DD-YY') is format step, try convert a date object to a string with format template is MM-DD-YY. But your date object is not correct.

The solution is doing the same with moment lib:

  1. Parse date string to date object. Use parse

    const dateString = '10-13-20';
    const date = parse(dateString, 'MM-dd-yy', new Date()) // not MM-DD-YY
  2. Format date object to result string. Use format

    const result = format(date, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSxxx")

    Result will be like (the same with moment's result in my timezone):

like image 145
hoangdv Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 19:11
